two wins in a row for the brown
Hat-Trick, everything was a goal for Víctor Barboza last Sunday at Gulfstream Park. The brave Hard Belle (by Hard Spun) was responsible for securing the third victory. «Two other times, I have achieved three wins in a single race day, in 2018 and 2019, and on all those occasions, Emisael Jaramillo has been involved,» thanks the Venezuelan, referring to a partnership that began in 2016.
Hard Belle ran strongly from the start to defeat Royal Kitten in 1’17″70 for the 6 1/2 furlongs on Gulfstream Park’s dirt track. «I love these horses that give their all. They have so much heart,» said Barboza about the bay horse owned by Skull Stable, whose colors have led to victory five times out of the ten recorded wins.
«The day brought the debut of Grand Mo The First, this type of horse is exciting for surfing in the best races», he concluded.

Note’s Spanish
Hard Belle selló jornada perfecta para Barboza
Hat- Trick, todo fue meta para Víctor Barboza, el último domingo en Gulsftream Park. El valiente Hard Belle (Hard Spun) se encargó de sellar el tercero de los triunfos. “otras dos veces he obtenido tres victorias en una jornada, en 2018 y 2019 y en todos esos momentos ha estado involucrado Emisael Jaramillo”, agradece el venezolano, sobre una combinación que inició en 2016.
Hard Belle corrió fuerte, de partida, para someter a Royal Kitten en 1’17”70 para los 6 1/2 furlongs en la arena de Gulsftream Park. “Me encantan estos caballos que lo entregan todo. Con mucho corazón”, dijo sobre el castaño, propiedad de Skull Stable, colores con los que ha vencido en cinco ocasiones de sus diez triunfos registrados.