Trainer mexican Javier Contreras Of the Filly bred O’Sullivan Farms
The filly, bred by O’Sullivan Farms, Mama Marge (Golden Years), confirmed in the race how well she had performed in training. With tremendous ease, the horse trained by Javier Contreras outdistanced the favorite Navy Band (Maclean’s Music) to widen the gap in the home stretch, completing 4 1/2 furlongs in a time of 52″49 seconds.
Uruguayan jockey Juan Mauricio Núñez skillfully guided her along the rail, ensuring a clean trip for this promising juvenile who shows potential for further progress. Mama Marge surpassed Direct The Cat (Redirect), who finished fourth, and managed to overtake the favorite Navy Band. Then came Honestly Olin’s (Fiber Sonde), another horse presented by Javier Contreras, which ran close but without posing a threat, merely making an acceptable debut.
Mama Marge is a daughter of Golden Years, sired by Not For Love, out of a dam by Fiber Sonde, making her the first foal of Ghost Fever. And she’s starting off on a high note. Her pedigree includes a solid lineage, with her second dam being Ghost Canyon (Indian Charlie), who also produced Never Compromise (30 starts with 15 wins at Charles Town), Bullets Fever, undefeated in eight starts and a multiple Stakes winner, and Hidden Canyon, another prominent Stakes winner. Talent runs deep in her bloodline; it’s no coincidence.

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Mama Marge respondió a sus buenos ejercicios
La potranca, crianza del O’Sullivan Farms, Mama Marge (Golden Years) confirmó en carrera lo bien que se había mostrado en los entrenamientos. Con una facilidad tremenda, la alistada por Javier Contreras desplazó a la favorita Navy Band (Maclean’s Music) para estirar diferencias en la recta final, en registro de 52”49” para los 4 1/2 furlongs y medio.
El jockey uruguayo Juan Mauricio Núñez la internó en la baranda para un desarrollo totalmente limpio, con una juvenil que promete mayor progreso. Superó a Direct The Cat(Redirect) que vino cuarta y pudo desplazar a la favorita Navy Band, luego Honestly Olin’s (Fiber Sonde), la otra presentada, por Javier Contreras, que corrió cerca, pero sin marcar peligro, solo con un aceptable debut.
Mama Marge es una hija de Golden Years, por Not For Love, en madre por Fiber Sonde, primera cría de Ghost Fever, y vaya que inicia por todo lo alto. Una línea segura, siendo su segunda madre Ghost Canyon (Indian Charlie), que ya dio a Never Compromise (30 actuaciones para 15 triunfos en Charles Town), Bullets Fever, invicto en ocho actuaciones y múltiple ganador de Stakes y a Hidden Canyon, otro destacado ganador de Stakes. El talento no es casualidad.